Print Resources

Our well-equipped library stacking of 47142 volumes of books in more than 13510 unique titles in various engineering subjects, management, basic sciences and general

Resource Cell for Competitive Examinations and Higher Education is a cell where the books for preparing competitive examinations i.e GATE, GRE, TOEFL, CAT & IES and for Numerical and Quantitative Aptitude, Tips for Interviews, Data Interpretation etc are available.

The central library is subscribing more than 143 national and international journals/magazines.

The issues of the particular volumes are bound together and stacked in the Back volumes section for reference. 1531 back volumes are available in the central library.

Journals/magazines (current issues and back volumes) cannot be borrowed.

Project Reports submitted by the final year students since 2004 is available.

Books are arranged according to subject based on Universal Decimal Classification Scheme.

Rack guides are provided for book racks

Periodicals subscribed/received by the library are arranged alphabetically for each programme in current periodical section.

Back volumes of periodicals are arranged according to alphabetical order of subject in Back volume section.

UG and PG Project reports are available in the library for reference.

A rich reference collection for referencing within the library is available in the Reference Section.

LIST - For Academic Year 2023 – 2024
S. No. Title of the Journals
1. Information Security Education Journal
2. International Journal of Computational Linguistics Research
3. Journal of Intelligent Computing
4. Progress in Computing Applications
5. Progress in Machines and Systems
6. International Journals of Web Application
7. Journals of Information Organization
8. Journals of Multimedia Processing and Technology
9. Journals of information system management
10. Journals of Computer Science
11. Journals of Cloud Computing
12. Journals of Future Engineering & Technology
13. Journals of Software Engineering
14. ACM Transactions on Accessible computing
15. ACM Transactions on Algorithms
16. ACM Transactions on Computation Theory
17. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
18. ACM Transactions on Information Systems
19. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems
20. ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing
21. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
22. ACM: Communication of the ACM (CACM)
23. ACM: Computer Architecture News (SIGARCH)
24. ACM: Computer Science Education (SIGCSE)
25. ACM: International Journal on Very Large Databases
26. ACM: Management of Data (SIGMOD)
27. Journal of Digital Information Management
28. Journal of Educational Technology
29. Journal of Information Technology Review
30. Journal of Data Processing
31. Journal on Information Security Research
32. Journal of Network Technology
33. International journals of Information Studies
34. ACM Journal on Data and Information Quality
35. ACM Transactions on Graphics
36. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
37. ACM: Inroads (SIGCSE)
38. ACM: Operating Systems Review
39. ACM: Knowledge Discovery in Data (SIGKDD)
40. Electronics For You
41. International Journals of Microcircuits &Electronics
42. International Journals of Advances VLSI Design
43. International Journals of Digital Electronics
44. Journal on Wireless Communication Networks (JWCN)
45. Journals on Image Processing(JIP)
46. ACM Transaction of Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications
47. ACM Transaction on Modeling and Computer Simulation
48. ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems
49. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
50. Indian J. of Power and Energy Systems Engineering
51. International Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
52. International Journal of Electrical Engineering
53. Journal on Circuit & System
54. Journal on Electrical Engineering
55. Journal on Embedded System
56. Journal on Electronic Engineering
57. Journal on Power system Engineering
58. ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security
59. ACM Transactions on Autonomous Adaptive Systems
60. ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems
61. ACM: Databases for Advances in Information Systems
62. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic System
63. Journal of the Institution of Engineering (India) - Series A
64. Journal of the Institution of Engineering (India) - Series D
66. Mechanical Engineering
67. Industrial Engineering Journal
68. Energy & Power
69. Industrial product finder
70. Journal of Mechanics & MEMS
71. Journal on Mechanical Engineering
72. Journal on Material science
73. Transactions on Machine Design
74. Mechanical Engineering ASME
75. Machine Design
76. Journal of the Institution of Engineering (India) - Series A
77. Journal of the Institution of Engineering (India) - Series C
78. Journal of the Institution of Engineering (India) - Series D
79. International Journal of Design and Manufacturing Technology
80. International journals of mechanical, Automobile Engineering And Research
81. International Journal of Design & manufacturing Technology
82. International Journal of Robotics Automation
83. Journals of Industrial Safety Engineering
84. Journals of Manufacturing Engineering
85. Progress in Machines and Systems
86. Current Science
87. International Journals of Biotechnology & Biochemistry
88. International Journals of genetic engineering and recombination
89. International Journals of molecular Biotechnology
90. Research & Reviews: A Journals of Biotechnology
91. Indian Journals of Biotechnology
92. International Journal of Cell Biology and Cellular Processes
93. International Journal of Molecular Biotechnology
94. International Journal of Biochemistry and Biomolecules
95. International Journal of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
96. International Journal of Genetic Engineering and Recombination
97. International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications
98. International Journal of Plant Biotechnology
99. International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials
100. Journals of Current Development in Artificial intelligence
101. International journals of Applied Artificial Intelligence in Engineering System
102. Artificial intelligence
103. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research & Advance
104. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Research (IJAICR)
105. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics
106. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
107. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic
108. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
109. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
110. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
111. ACM: Measurements and Evaluation (SIGMETRICS)
112. ACM Transaction on Knowledge Discovery in Data
113. Ind. Jnl of Agriculture &Food Science
114. Ind. Jour.of Applied Agriculture Research
115. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research
116. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
117. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
118. The Madras Agricultural Journal
119. Journal of Entrepreneurship
120. Journal of Human Values
121. South Asia Economic Journal
122. International Journal of Rural Management
123. Vikalpa – The Journal of Decision Makers
124. ICTACT Journal on Management Studies
125. Indian Journal of Finance
126. Indian Journal of Marketing
127. International Journal of Banking, Risk & Insurance
128. Journal of Emerging Marketing Finance
129. The IUP Journal of Financial Risk Management
130. The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management
131. The IUP Journal of Marketing Management
132. The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management
133. Economic and Political Weekly
134. Business India
135. Business Today
136. Capital Market
137. Corporate India
138. Dalal Street Investment Journal
139. University News
140. Ariviyal Oli
141. Careers 360
142. Civil Service Chronicle
143. Civil Service Times